Saturday, February 24, 2007

Introducing the NANDEX

In order to get more dialogue amongst all of my readers, I am now introducing the Planninga from Nanninga Retail Index, or the Nandex for short.

Every weekend, I will place a two-part questionnaire on the blog about a particular retailer. You will be asked to vote on whether you think that particular retailer is the “toast of the town” (a winner of a retailer) or whether that retailer is just “toast” (a loser who is on the way to extinction).

The way this works is as follows:

On the right is an opportunity to vote on how you feel about a particular retailer. You get to vote based on two criteria:

1) Is their strategy a winner?
2) Is their management a winner?

I will leave the voting for an entire week. Then, each Friday, I will comment on the results and set up another Nandex.

This is your chance to tell off a retailer if you think they have missed the mark (or congratulate them if you think they are on the right track.).

This week's survey is aout the GAP. Are they the toast of the town or are they just toast?

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