Monday, September 10, 2012

Strategic Planning Analogy #468: Defeating Concrete

The previous owners of my house had put up a pole in the back yard to connect a clothesline to the house, so that one could hang wet laundry outside to dry.  I did not dry clothes outside, so one day I decided to take down that pole.

The job was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, because the pole was secured in place with concrete.  I had no idea how much concrete was used until I tried to dig out the pole.  The previous owners had used a lot.

With a great deal of effort, I eventually got the pole out of the ground.  Then, I took a hammer to the concrete in order to break it up into smaller pieces.  I was able to discard the smaller pieces of concrete in the trash can.

There is something about concrete which seems permanent.  Once it hardens, it appears like it will last forever.  But I was able to destroy that concrete in my backyard.  The pole was no longer permanent.  I threw it all away.

In the business world, market conditions can also seem quite permanent, like concrete.  This feeling is especially true in mature businesses.  The market has already consolidated; the few remaining players have staked out their positions.  It looks like nothing will change—it is as if everything is secured in place with concrete.   However, just as I was able to get rid of the concrete in my back yard, market conditions can also change, even in mature markets.  A seemingly solid position, like that pole, can be thrown away.

Therefore, we cannot sit back and relax.  We cannot rely on the markets to stay unchanging as if set in concrete.  We still need strategic planning.

This is another blog which tackles arguments for abandoning strategic planning.  In the past, we refuted the argument that certain markets are moving so fast that strategic planning is irrelevant.  In this blog we refute the argument that certain markets are moving too slow to require strategic planning.

Let’s face it.  Although emerging nations and new industries are exciting to talk about, most companies operate the majority of their business in relatively mature sectors or markets.  Mature markets tend to have the following characteristics:

1)      The market is consolidated down to a few players (who don’t change much over time).

2)      The reputations and brand positions of the remaining players are well set (like concrete) and it is difficult to change a customer’s long held perceptions of the remaining players.

3)      Changes in market share are very small and don’t tend to occur very often (like they are set in concrete, too).
      4)      The rules for how everyone plays the game appear to be set in concrete as well.

In such an environment, many will reach the conclusion that sophisticated strategic planning is a waste of time and money.  If everything is set in concrete, then why bother spending a lot of effort trying to change it with strategy?  Focusing on doing things a little better and a little cheaper is all you can do.  So stop wasting effort on strategy and just work a little harder and a little cheaper.

However, as we saw in the story, concrete may not be as permanent as it appears.  Change still happens.  And we can become the unfortunate victims of change if we do nothing, or we can take advantage of change if we work to destroy the concrete as I did in my back yard.

Coke Vs. Pepsi
Think about Coke versus Pepsi.  The cola market is very mature in most places.  Coke and Pepsi have eliminated or weakened most of the serious challengers.  Growth is minimal overall and market share doesn’t change very much.  If you are a dedicated Coke drinker, you are probably not going to suddenly shift your alliance and dedication to Pepsi.  The individual brand images have been too strong for too long.

So, why should firms in mature markets like Coke & Pepsi concern themselves with sophisticated strategy?  Because it still matters.

1) The market may be set in concrete, but customers can walk away.
If all one does is focus on doing the same thing better or cheaper, one gets myopically focused on the false assumption that there are no alternatives.  Everything appears to take place in my little area of concrete.  But customers can use your concrete as a sidewalk to move to another market.

Yes, core consumer problems may last forever, but the way they satisfy the problem can change radically.  I may always have thirst, but I do not have to drink a cola.  Starbucks started a revolution to make coffee-based drinks a viable alternative to cola for an entire generation.  Trends in health, wellness and other events have created a rise in demand for fruit drinks, energy drinks, vitamin drinks, etc.  Suddenly, the mature cola industry is becoming a declining industry.

If your feet are stuck in your own industry’s concrete, you may not look up to see the customer revolution and you may not be able to move fast enough to get to where the customers are going.  Suddenly it is no longer a war between Coke and Pepsi.  You are fighting a whole host of alternatives who are not playing by the old rules.

Radical changes can come from all sorts of places.  People are buying fewer watches because they can just look at the smartphone which is always in their hand showing the time of day.  Why buy a newspaper when you can get live updates from everywhere all the time in the digital space?   Why buy meal ingredients at the supermarket and spend the time preparing them when restaurant value meals can be cheaper, easier and faster?

Strategic planning is needed to spot these radical changes before it is too late and then prepare a response.  Perhaps if you make watches, you need to reposition yourself less as a timepiece and more as a piece of jewelry.  Perhaps if you are a supermarket, you need to sell your own value meals.  If you are a newspaper, perhaps you need to radically transform your entire business model.  If you are Coke or Pepsi, you may need to diversify.  Finding and building the right response can take a lot of time and a lot of thought.  An ongoing strategic planning program gives you that time and that thought. 

If you wait until the revolution sneaks up on you, then it is too late.   At that point, all you can do is either acquire into the revolution at a price which is too high to make a decent return, or sell out of the old business at a price which is too low to make any of your stakeholders happy. 

Just working a little harder and cheaper at making Coke or Pepsi will not get someone to stay if they find that coffee or fruit juice or energy drinks are a better solution for them than cola.  And if that is all you do (the status quo a little harder and cheaper), that concrete is going to look more like a granite tombstone.

2) Rules are just words on a piece of paper.
Just because something has always been done the same way does not mean it is the only way.  Rules are just words on a piece of paper.  They do not have to be etched in stone (or concrete).  If you rewrite the rules, perhaps you can get a huge advantage—even if the market is labeled as “mature.”

Retailers like Aldi in grocery retail and Ashley in furniture retail found a way to reinvent mature businesses by re-writing the rules.  They designed their own specifications and went directly to the factories to have products manufactured just for them.  By cutting out the middle man, they were able to improve margins while cutting prices.  This gives them an edge over people playing by the old rules.  A similar event occurred when “fast fashion” retailers like H&M and Zara rewrote the rules about inventory (much less) and fashion seasons (much more) and made huge gains in an otherwise mature business.

Apple rewrote the rules about how music got distributed and became a leading player in a market where they had no prior presence.  They broke through the concrete because they saw it as merely paper—a place where they could write new rules.

Rethinking an entire business model does not come out of just doing the same old thing harder, faster, and cheaper.  Working intently on carbon paper will not create the photocopier.  Working intently on books will not make an e-reader.  No, new business models require new thinking.  And if you eliminate strategic planning, there will not be a strong advocate for encouraging out-of-the box thinking and experimentation on a regular basis.

And if you only work on executing the old rules better (rather than looking for new rules), you will be surprised when a competitor rewrites the rules and takes most of your business away.

Labeling a business as mature does provide an excuse to eliminate or dilute the strategic planning effort.  Radical improvements can still be gained if one uses strategic planning to either find ways to move to new solutions with the customer or to find ways to rewrite the rules for offering the old solutions.  Conversely, if you stop this type of planning and your competition (current or future) do not, then others will get those radical improvements at your expense.

In a mature business, don’t think of strategic planning as an expense to be cut, but as a doorway to leaps in opportunity that cannot otherwise be found when the status quo is hardening.

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